How to play clan capital Full details are here | Clan capital full guid | Coc


Clash of Clans Clan Capital Guide, its our first Guide post on our website. Hello Clash of clans lover, Yesterday was really a massive day after getting Clash of Clans Clan Capital Update Globally. Today, we are here to provide some basic guide after you enter in Clan Capital.



How to Travel Clan Capital ?

What is The Forge ?

Clan Capital Map

Clan Capital Contribution for upgrade 

Clan Capital District Unlocked

Clan Capital Building's and Troop's Unlocked

Capital Gold

Clan capital Raid

Self donation

New Trader system 

Clan capital Scenery

Capital raid Weekend 

Final Conclusion



At First of all, those who are not aware of any sneak peaks and totally new to this update then we wanna clarify that you will see Flying Ship & The Forge next to the boat. 

The Flying Ship (colosseum carrier)is a transport medium which will make you travel to Clan Capital. You just need to 'Tap Once' in The Flying Machine and the name get changed to "The Air Ship" before it released globally.


The next things Flying next to The Air Ship is called "The Forge". The Forge is a new innovation of Clash of Clans Clan Capital which translate the Home Village and Builder Base Resources into Capital Gold. You just need to craft the resources to convert it into Capital Gold. You need builder to convert the resources and 3d time also.. 


Here is the first interface of Clan Capital, when you tap on that Air Ship and enter to the new Clan Capital Map. At First Clan Peak is unlocked by Manually but after Clan Peak you need to unlock New Valley by upgrading Capital Hall.

If you click on the capital peek then you See 

 first look when you enter to Capital Peak. You have to contribute some amount of Capital Gold for Unlocked Ruins.  

You can also contribute your Capital Gold to unlock New Building in Clan Capital with your Clanmates 


Clan capital Contribute for upgrade - 

At beginning, we want to clear you that Clan Capital is a game for all Clanmates which can be more developed with all Clanmates Contribution. Each and every times Clan Capitals Building need Huge Capital Gold which cant be possible to Single Player. So, there must be good combination with good bonding with Clanmates.


As we already mention that Capital Peak is Unlocked by default, but rest of others District's are unlocked by upgrading Capital Hall from Clan Peak.

Here are the Clan Capital Valley list:
1) Barbarian Camp
2) Wizard Valley
3) Balloon Lagoon
4) Builder's Workshop
5) Dragon Cliffs
6) Golem Quarry

Clan Capital troops & buildings Unlock? - 

There are lots of Clan Capital Building's are Troop's are to be unlocked. As Per the Capital Hall and New District Unlocked we will able to get New Building's and Troop's in Clan Capital.

Capital gold - 

Capital Gold is one of the most valuable currency in Clan Capital. You can use Capital Gold to Upgrade New Building's in Clan Capital. You can get free Capital Gold from Rewards like these..

Clan capital Raid medal -

This is also another important currency in Home Village and in Clan Capital. You can use this Raid Medal in Home Village. Raid Medal can achieve by receiving reward from Clan Capital Attack. 
Self donation -

You can use Raid Medal to donate Clan Castle troops to yourself, by buying troops with Raid Medal. As well as, we can buy Trader Items with Raid Medal.

New Trader System 

In new system it have two option which one daily DEALS and second is raid  medals . As you See in picture below 



Capital raid are start from friday to Sunday only which means you attack when raid weekend will start... 

Now at a time you can only contribute to upgrade buildings with Capital gold, you will get capital gold from seasons challenge & events & from verge.. 

If you don't understand by written then watch this video 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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